Spiritually homeless?

Looking for meaning in your life? Wounded by the church? Desiring to reconnect with a faith community that is exploring what it means to be a follower of Jesus?


The Noon Service at
Christ Church Cathedral

Welcome to the Noon Service! We are an Episcopal community of Christ Church Cathedral imperfectly yet earnestly following Christ into liberating, life-giving relationship with God and neighbor.

We seek an authentic expression of the ancient Christian faith for the modern world. We welcome questions and doubts, believe in justice and mercy for all, and long for a world free from hatred, hunger and despair. We are an intergenerational patchwork of individuals, families, blended families, divorced, widowed, and partnered, raised in many different faith traditions, where people of all sexualities and genders are affirmed, celebrated, and in our leadership.

Our one-hour, in-person, joyfully participatory, Eucharistic service takes place at 12pm in Centennial Chapel at Christ Church Cathedral.
318 E 4th Street, Cincinnati OH 45205.


@thenoonservice on Instagram