
Illustration by Brianna Kelly

Illustration by Brianna Kelly

Spiritually homeless?  Looking for meaning in your life? Wounded by the church? Desiring to reconnect with a faith community that is exploring what it means to be a follower of Jesus?

The Noon Service is an Episcopal community of Christ Church Cathedral in Cincinnati, Ohio. The liturgy is rooted in the beauty and simplicity of the Episcopal tradition. This hour long worship gathering combines prayer, silence, music, scripture, and discussion. We sing ancient hymn texts set to evocative, timeless music prepared and led by local songwriters; we reflect on and discuss holy scripture; we pray for the needs of the world; and we share a simple Eucharistic feast using wine and home baked bread.

People who have participated in worship have commented on the welcome, the sense of intimacy and community, the richness of conversation, and the sense of reverence and playfulness. People have found their faith strengthened for the journey and a new understanding for what it means to be a Christian.

Come.  Bring yourself, just as you are. Experience God’s presence and grace. We gather in the Centennial Chapel at Christ Church Cathedral every Sunday at noon.

The Noon Service Vision and Mission Statement

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New to the Episcopal Church?

So are many of us. Most members of the Noon Service are not lifelong Episcopalians. We come from various evangelical, Catholic, and nonreligious backgrounds. We’re all figuring out our connection to Episcopal tradition together.

Illustration by Brianna Kelly


Meet the Noon Service Leadership Team!

The NSLT works together to steward the inner-workings of the Noon Service community.


We are LGBTQ Affirming!

The Noon Service celebrates and affirms people of all sexualities and gender identities and expressions. We are pleased to be a part of the Episcopal Church, which celebrates, affirms, and includes LGBTQ peoples in all realms of church life and clergy. Read more about the history of LGBTQ in the Episcopal Church here.


We are kid-friendly!

As an inter-generational space, our service welcomes children to participate in the service. We have a “kid’s corner” where children can hang out during the service if they choose. If not, kids are welcome to sit with their families during the service as well. Illustrated Children’s Ministry art is available for the children to participate in a creative way. Nursery care is also available.

Art by Megan Suttman


American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreters now featured at every service!

(At Virtual Noon Service as well as in-person)

Featured Articles

The Noon Service community was recently featured in a series of three articles on Earth & Altar, an online magazine that reflects on "theology, history, liturgy, preaching, spirituality, church practice, and the arts."

Where to find us

We meet in the Centennial Chapel of Christ Church Cathedral.

Christ Church Cathedral
318 E 4th Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202


Contact us!

Have any questions about the Noon Service? Want to learn more about our community?